Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
And now I'm going to have "On second thoughts let's not go to Camelot. Tis a silly place." in my head along with the song. I'll probably be caught singing it in work sometime today

Great map though I'm not sure about the shires as the island was split into various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms with some Celtic ones remaining in Wales and Cornwall plus the Danes were beginning to settle too.
I've had the entirety of the Camelot soundtrack plus the Monty Python song running through my head for days. At least that has expunged all of the Little Mermaid songs that got lodged in my brain while looking after my 2 year old nephew. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Little Mermaid...just not 5 times per day for several days in a row!)

The shires are based on a historical map from the 10th century, not the 9th, as I mistakenly said earlier. But I combined Hampshire, Wiltshire, and Berkshire into "Shiretowns" to make the map a bit less cluttered. I also went with Winchester as the site of Camelot; I know there's an ongoing academic dispute about Winchester vs. Caerleon vs. a handful of other places but Winchester looked best on the map, so it won.

I did some shading on the castle and Excalibur, decided to go with "Castle Camelot" rather than Winchester Castle because my drawing is not based on anything in Winchester, and fixed some typos. I've decided that [American] football days are good mapping days, since I'm generally plunked down in the front of the TV, and it's nice to have an actual break from work.

### Latest WIP ###
Camelot Map v5 (sm).jpg