Thank you, Wingshaw. Still have a lot of redraw to go. I have modeled quite a few building clusters from Rothenburg. If it had not been for you comments, the massive urban renewal would never had begun. Thank you.

Here is the latest update.

The City of Melekhir 7.0.PNG

I will probably leave the strip of shacks along the east side of the road at the base of the hill against the stone wall. The housing on the hill (to the east of what is shown) will remain as is. The hill is somewhat restrictive to building and the houses are build on the flat areas along the hillside. They are housing for soldiers with families and were orderly laid out and constructed. The hill is the approach to the gate to the palace, which also contributes to the restricted housing. You can see part of the stone wall at the base of the hill that is a remnant of the early boundaries when the city was young and the only walled sections were part of the palace complex. The wall still stands as a barrier between the palace/military complex and the city.