Hello! *waves* My name is Windsor, I hail from Reddit, a humble beginner in the mapmaking world (I began this week with Jared Blando's book, its phenomenal). After hearing about your forum, I had to come check it out! I love and feel so inspired by all that I've seen so far. There's a lot of love here and I'm very excited to join the ranks. Thanks for having me!

On to the map! As my first prototype/demo map, I started with this! Just HB pencil on 7x10" watercolor paper, title unknown - though I think Solmyr or Halmyr perhaps, considering the large island on the bottom right is called Anmyr, and I want to connect the names linguistically.

My next step will be landmarks & cities. Any feedback and criticism is more than welcome, thanks again!

Pencil Map First Draft.jpg