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Thread: Unnamed - An Experiment

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  1. #1

    Default Unnamed - An Experiment

    I asked for ideas, and Jaxilon gave me this, so here's the WIP. A large, dead island. I used my new Manuscript dip nibs, along with Liquitex Acrylic ink. I want to try and apply the paint once all the linework is done and dry, as Nopkin and Baerald do. Oh, and I'd mentioned happy mistakes, and the very first drop of ink I put on the paper was the two blotches there. Well, hopefully it'll be sort of invisible with the paint, or it'll make the map old-looking and authentic hehe...
    According to Jaxilon, this island has a abandoned port and a capital in ruins. If you can't find it, the capital is on the dried out lake (I was thinking Tenochtitlan), and the port further west on the coast of course.
    The little areas near the south-west where there is grass - the grass has grown because of the receding sea - which is falling down that crazy crack in the ocean. Also, the river that leads to the port is quickly disappearing ( it doesn't come from the lake anymore, and is probably reaching the sea to die...).
    I apologise for the border. If anyone has ideas to save it...
    If anyone has used Liquitex ink, I'd happily accept advice! Once the linework is done I'll leave it to dry for a day. That's how tense I am lol
    Oh, and yeah, no labels - if I tried them, the map would go bang...
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    Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 11-02-2018 at 09:27 AM.

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