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Thread: November 2018 Challenge: The Charge of Sir Arthur Bryne

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    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Wip November 2018 Challenge: The Charge of Sir Arthur Bryne

    Pull up a chair, traveler. I haven't seen you around these parts before and you look a mite chilled. Not used to the mountains yet, I'd think. Arnulf! Get your fine guest a hot cider with whisky. The good stuff, Arnulf, the Julien's Reserve if you please. So my friend, welcome to Brynehall, seat of the great Barony of Northcliffe. I expect you've heard our song, eh? It's sung in taverns all over the north, the brave charge of Sir Arthur Bryne - that's Brynehall's founder, mind you - to rescue his young prince from the Dark Fey Mithrielye some 400 years gone by. I'd sing if for you myself, but then you'd flee the Bawdy Brewer here on account of my voice! I've got the lyrics written out, though. Have a look if you like.

    (FYI - This works well sung to the Gilligan's Island theme song. )

    Charge of Sir Arthur Bryne.jpg

    The Charge of Sir Arthur Bryne is part of the background color for my ongoing D&D campaign. It takes place 400 years ago, during a fragile peace following a brutal civil war between House Weston, under the command of Philip Weston, and House Wickham, under the command of the sinister Janos Wickham. I'll be mapping Sir Arthur's charge. It's interesting because I have to think of my game world as it existed 400 years ago. I have a map of my game world in current game time, but a lot changes in 400 years!

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Rough sketch (sm).jpg
    Last edited by aeshnidae; 11-05-2018 at 11:19 PM.

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