Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
Not true at all. Talent is really just an inclination to practice the skill for "fun". What we perceive as artistic talent may be existing skill in both seeing and hand-eye control, plus patience.
I would disagree.

Everyone gain skill by practice that is true, but there are people that are more talented in certain fields more than other. By saing talented i mean it comes much easier for them to learn and master certain things. It can take just couple attemps for person A to draw a nice tree, while person B would need to practice two or three times harder to achive same effect. The same goes for anything else we learn. Talented person dosen't mean he got the skill just like that. It means it is much easier for that person go gain the kowledge and the know-how in this field.

But... the picture above suggest a person was borned with the skill, so yeah i would not quite agree with that too.