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Thread: Okryth's Sentence

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice ARockabillyRhino's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    California/New Zealand

    Map Okryth's Sentence

    Hey everyone!

    Wanted to drop my first draft of a cavern battlemap for some C&C before I use it for play. I would really appreciate any comments; I am really impressed with how my drawing has progressed the last few months, and most of it has to do with the feedback.


    Anyways, what's a picture without a thousand words (no need to read, it's just the story for any nerds):

    Deep under the ruin of Deep Tangle Sanitarium lies a dark secret. 200 years ago, when the Black Dragon that terrorized the town was finally wounded and captured, it was placed in an arcane prison, dug into the ground and protected by arcane locks. Time had mostly forgotten Okryth Painbringer's sentence, and eventually he starved beneath the surface, and a hospital was built on top of his resting place.

    But when the earth was shaken during the assault on the former city of Calabra, a minor necromancer and dragon enthusiast, Kal Kazhere, saw an opportunity. Could the earth have destroyed the arcane protections left in this tomb? He practiced his method on other bodies brought up from the shifted ground, perfecting his craft, and terrorizing Deep Tangle in the process. The adventurers arrive to stop Kal Kazhere before he performs his dark act, but he only laughs, as the ritual was already done.

    Okryth the Undying has transformed his former prison into a temporary lair, as he gathers his strength. He isn't about to let any tiny sword-holders get in the way of his plans of revenge on the town of Deep Tangle. Or, y'know, the whole being a zombie thing.

    Or something I don't know, here is a underground dragon lair I drew.

    Last edited by ARockabillyRhino; 11-20-2018 at 02:33 AM.

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