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Thread: WIP World (Idir)

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  1. #1

    Wip WIP World (Idir)

    Hello everyone! I've been working on a setting for the better part of 3 years now, and have only ever made hand drawn maps with little regard for realism or the more technical aspects of how the world functions (plate tectonics, realistic biomes, ocean currents, etc). However, I would like step up my game a bit and put more polish into my work, so I need help from more experienced cartographers than I. The primary purpose of the setting is for my RPG group, and at its inception I was, and still am, intentionally building off real world cultures and combining them when I felt it could give an interesting twist.

    So far, I have mapped out 4 continents with plans for 2 more, and would like some feedback on what I could do to polish up the more technical specs of the world. Most of the names attached are stand-ins, being either direct translations to words in other languages, or outright made up to sound like the languages I'm basing them on.

    I'm sure that none of the continents are shaped realistically, the rivers are probably a mess, and I doubt that my mountains are believable in regards to plate tectonics. In my head I was thinking of the planet being about 1.5 times the size of earth, with only 1 moon that is a little larger than our own. I don't even know where they might be realistically positioned on a globe in regards to each other and the climates I was thinking they had.

    If anyone could point me in the direction of some good guides, or advice on how to fix this trainwreck of a world, it would be greatly appreciated.

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