Greetings cartographers! As a fan of fantasy cartography, it was really quite wonderful to stumble upon such an amazing collective of artists. I hope to engage some folks, and find someone who would like to collaborate on a project in need of a deep polish in the visual department.

My friend and fellow gamer recently teamed up with me to build an urban roleplaying game setting. The simple idea soon became months of work creating locations, major figures and groups if import in our fictional metropolis. As the city invokes a lot of imagery from the French Revolution, when the issue of creating a map became unavoidable, we worked out a pretty simple solution: flip Paris upside-down.


What we thought was a simple solution proved quite difficult, as neither myself nor my co-GM has much talent for visual art. We finished with something suitably workable, but to see something better would really be fantastic!

Even with the map as it is, we are really proud of our work. We've fleshed out quite a bit of the city, and currently run internet-based games based in Isarn. We spent a good deal of time on the presentation, and we are confident in out little setting as a fertile ground for artistic endeavors. If any cartographers would be interesting in our odd little collaboration, we'd really love to engage with you.


Our current map
The Galt Gazette