Hey Guild !

Trying to not just forgot to post it as I usually do, here is my Hogsmeade map for the November 2018 challenge.

For those who wonder how the labels work : well, Hogsmeade being a wizard town, here is a wizard map, so just point the scrolls with your wand and the map will show you the path with cute tiny footprints

Usual informations :
- A4 size 300dpi,
- Hand drawn in Photoshop CC2019 using a Wacom Cintiq Pro 16,
- WIP thread here.
- Map inspired from J.K.Rowling Harry Potter books.

It's been a while since I had this map in mind and wanted to try a closer perspective view for a town map (well... let's say a "village map" here ^^). I think those fancy houses and crazy chimneys were the top 1 for the pleasure I had to draw them ! I definitely had a great time while working on this one
So, this was a fun experiment for different reasons : the close perspective, but also the first time I explored a known universe for my own pleasure (which is a very different point of view !), and as always I took the occasion to try a slighly different style & technique than usual.

### Latest WIP ###

Hope you'll love it !

And if you're interested, the map was just added on my InPrnt shop !