We're a little short-staffed in the CL department at the mo, so this is a day or two late going up. Apologies for that. Given the slightly shorter time period, and the fact that December is a busy month for many people, we're going with something pretty open.

If I say 'December', what pops into your mind? Is it Christmas and Santa? Sparkly trees, turkey and the North Pole? Or maybe a 'Winter Wonderland' theme, with snow and ice? Or, if you're in the southern hemisphere, December might mean sunshine and tropical beaches. Perhaps there's a place you visit every year around this time? Or a favourite book you like to read, or a movie you like to watch, during the holidays? Maybe you enjoy some mammoth D & D sessions over the festive period with friends or family? Create a map inspired by something that you associate with December. It can be real or fictional, any genre, any style.

Here's the small print...

Title your threads 'December 2018 Challenge: Your Title Here'
Don't forget to use the ### Latest WIP ### tag. There's a button on the toolbar.
Challenge will close at the end of the month (we'll update more precisely on the time nearer the end of the month.)

This is your last chance ever to win a gold compass.*

Let's see some maps!

*in 2018