
You might remember my recent WIPs where I tried to make realistic tectonic models for my world map. Although this process taught me a lot (also thanks to Pixie, Charerg, and others!), I just couldn't make my map "goals" fit with the tectonics. So, I have decided to put aesthetics above realism for tectonics as there are several things I specifically wanted on this map, which I hope to eventually use as a setting for my languages and stories.

I wanted all the land to be reachable without advanced navigation, hence the many island chains. I also wanted a large area with a Mediterranean-like sea and climates. That said, I still hope the land shapes and elevations etc. hint at a somewhat plausible tectonic model, but I won't be trying to fit the pieces together in any detail for this map.

I do, however, want to make a (semi) realistic climate map. It would also be excellent if someone could take a quick look at my currents map - there are some areas I'm not 100% sure about.


New Outline.png

Rough draft of mountains/elevation:
ITCZ & Currents2.png

The huge plateau-like area in the central continent is supposed to be quite old and eroded. Would this lead to a South-Africa type of elevation in this area?
