WIP northern continent.jpg


First time ever drawing a map, and felt more getting it hand-drawn rather than from a program.

It may be a bit blurred since it's drawn with a pencil (wouldn't wanna touch with a pen unless things are completely set)

and picture taken by my old smartphone. (I have no clue how to scan a paper this big :/)


1. The biggest concern I have is about the river, Highlighted blue.

I tried following the rule of thumb, the river flows from higher to lower ground, but that's about it.

do you think these rivers are on the right spot, and flowing to the right direction?

should I have more/less rivers on the map?

2. on the upper-right hand corner is a swamp and a desert zone, divided by a mountain.

Is this geographically possible at all?

3. On the very left side are two lakes.

Can a river connect these two lakes?

4. Can a lake within a mountain range happen?

Any further suggestions/improvements on the map, please let me know!

Much appreciate your help guys