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Thread: Working on a ambitious world generating tool...

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    Post Working on a ambitious world generating tool...

    Hi all...
    I like rpg games a lot!, in fact I used to be a DM.
    Beeing a DM I realized that there are a lot of oportunity areas in software for helping the planning of sessions. So I decided to write a program to help de DM taylor a world. As I say in the title, the project is to ambitious.
    It includes the creation (automatic generation and manual detailing) of regional, area and local maps (Continent, cities, dungeons... even floorplans).

    I have a very good advance in some modules...
    Right now I can:
    * Generate a fractal region (continent) map
    * Paint it whith different gradient color schemes
    * Generate winter and wummer climate maps
    * Simulate climate according to latitudes, date, axis inclination, etc (temperatures (max-min), pressure, humidity, soil saturation, precipitations, wind directions and wind strenght)
    * Zoom in and out
    * Put manually pins and indicators with descriptions (which can be viewed only when certain ammount of zoom is applied) -cities, farms, castles, towns, etc, etc, etc...
    * Customize and show/hide a grid (hex or cuad, color, size, border width)
    * There are hundred of icons of mountains, cities, trees, villages, castles, ruins, temples, towers, etc...

    Right now I am working in the mechanisms to grow rivers, forests and cities according to climates... And I must admit that rivers are tough...

    There is a really big list of features waiting to be coded including...
    * The generation of area maps (cities, villages, ports, etc...) Right now I have some basic working algorithms...
    * The generation or building floorplans.
    * The maps will be linked together, so you can open the map of a city clicking in the region... and open the floorplan clicking in some building in the city...
    * The map will draw a network of roads between cities (considering importance and population)
    * You will be able to zoom in a sector and find out fauna (generating encounters with the possible monsters of the area)

    Well... that's why I'm here... I wish you help me with feedbak, ideas and critics. As soon as possible I will upload an alpha so you can start trying the software...

    Can someone tell me which is the correct thread to discuss such matters?

    Excuse my english please, is not my natural language.

    I leave you some screenshots so you can figured out what I am talking about...

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    Last edited by covatex; 11-21-2008 at 01:33 PM. Reason: Add question about correct thread

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