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Thread: Ocean Current Guidance

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  1. #11
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by AEB View Post
    My info maybe out of date but I thought that the Atlantic currents were driven in part as the result of salinity differences, with the influx of fresh water making a fast surface current flowing across a deeper, more saline water from ice formation that flows back the other way as a far deeper current?

    This is why the potential melting of the Greenland ice shelf has the potential to divert or stall the Gulf Stream with major consequences for the European climate.
    That might partially be the case, but the Gulf Stream would exist even if there were no major rivers flowing into it (and I'm not sure how much effect the salinity differences have, even the flows of the Mississippi and Amazon are fairly minor compared to the masses of water transported by the Gulf Stream). As an example, I doubt there are any major rivers powering the southern hemisphere equivalent in the Pacific, the East Australian Current (a warm current affecting the eastern coast of Australia).
    Last edited by Charerg; 12-16-2018 at 06:35 AM. Reason: Added quote

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