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Thread: Climate of Simeria

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  1. #1

    Wip Climate of Simeria

    Hello fellow map makers. As I had briefly mentioned in my introductory thread, I'm working on a map for some friends and we plan to use it for a role play. The land is called Simeria, and it is a tall continent bigger than Africa but smaller than Asia. It is for the most part complete, but I'd like some feedback on my temperature and precipitation maps before I create the climates. I've used Pixie's tutorial for climate mapping so far. I'll provide maps so you may make your judgments accordingly.

    Basic Geographic:
    Simeria Geographic.png
    30 N and S as well as equator Marked.
    January Temperature and Precipitation:
    Simeria January Temp.png Simeria January Precip.png
    July Temperature and Precipitation
    July Simeria Temp.png Simeria July Precip.png

    I can provide other maps as well if need be.
    So: how am I doing so far, guys?
    Attached Images Attached Images

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