Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Trying to do
What you call 'trying' seems quite successful to me already, and i have a feeling that it's gonna be pretty epic! Especially good job on that rather flat perspective, i consider them relatively tricky.

Otherwise, i don't know if you plan on colouring it later, but if you don't, it's - in my opinion - really good for the contrast and atmosphere to show a clear distinction between wooden and stone buildings by (over-)emphasizing certain elements of the construction, mainly on windows (wooden building tend to have the windows on facade level, while stone buildings usually have them set back a bit in the window jambs). For example, the one house with a full gable in the middle row to the right side of the canal seems to me like a full stone building, but on the other hand i can't really tell, since there is no real roof overhang on the one hand, but no gable extending over the roof line either, and the windows don't indicate it either, only the larger window (or blind window) in the gable can give a hint that it's probably meant to be stone.

But enough of this, it looks awesome overall, and keep up the work on it