Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
I'm afraid it's not a program. We've created a script that takes the precipitation and temperature maps for January and July as input and outputs the climate map. There's the original version of the script made for PhotoShop by Azelor, and the more recent GIMP script myself and Azelor created in collaboration (and which is slightly updated from the original, I guess). There's also an unpublished version by AzureWings (which is written in Python, I believe, and should be compatible with GIMP, not sure about PhotoShop).

Running the script saves you the trouble of manually creating the climate map, but you still need to create the aforementioned precipitation and temperature maps.
Sorry guys, lurker on the site and new to this thread. Apologies in advance, but I sort of skipped 3 years of messages on the thread, however, as I've been going through the steps of building a world of my own, I'm fascinated by the script and the inputs required to run it.

Is there an FAQ somewhere that I can read through to figure out what I need?
