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Thread: Clan Lands of Qrüché

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Default Clan Lands of Qrüché

    As that wisest of sages once said: "Another one".
    No truer words were spoken, because here's another map. So, what's there to say about this one? It's got some mountains, a few trees, a bit of water, and a heck of a lot of sand. Sand everywhere. And you know how Anakin Skywalker feels about sand. Okay, I'll stop now.
    For this map, I wanted a different feel, a bit more crispness. So after building all the usual stuff I put in my maps, I ran it through a series of adjustments and sharpened it up. I hope you like the result as much as me, because I feel like it adds a, well, sharpness to the map. I should note, though, the sharpness doesn't come across that well in the version of the map you're seeing, because, like most of my maps, I had to upload it to the CG in a less-than-prime quality jpg, to get under the guild's limit for file sizes.
    Being that the scene is set in a desert, the culture is based on the Middle-east, but also fantasy, of course, and this should be reflected in the names and capital inserts.

    Let me know what you think.
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    Last edited by Daelin; 01-26-2019 at 05:27 PM.

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