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Thread: Working on a ambitious world generating tool...

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  1. #18


    Let me see if I get Nickadimos's algorithm right:
    1.- Find the highest, lowest and mid points
    2.- Let one highpoint be the actual pixel
    3.- Starting from an actual pixel, test the 8 non-used adjacent pixels looking for the lower color (or altitude) that is the closest to the starting center point. (Not the lowest one, but the color closest one, in other words look for the minimun nonnegative difference between the center and the 8 neighbors)
    4.- Mark this neighbor "used" and make it the actual one.
    5.- Repeat from 3 until we reach one nonmarked midpoint pixel, or we get out of the map. Mark this midpoint
    6.- Do the same, but in reverse order from a lowpoint until we reach a midpoint

    Is that correct?

    If so, I'm not getting the expected results... Look at the pic...
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