Voolf gave me a great one! Here's his brief:


I decided to go with this...

It is dusk. It is always dusk. Long ago, the sun stopped moving in the sky. Some say it was the result of a war between magi fought far to the west. Some say it is a curse of the gods. And some say it is the result of man meddling with things he was not meant to know, things from a dimension of horrors. Whatever the reason, this land sits in a zone of perpetual twilight. The sun is barely visible along the top of the western mountains; the sea to the east is a cold, dark, and stormy maelstrom that eats ships whole. The land can still grow crops, after a fashion, but the yield is much less than in centuries past. The people compensate by growing new crops more suited to the dark, like vast fungi farms. A perpetual mist shrouds the coast, but cities still cling to life there, not only for the continued bounty of the sea hauled in by brave fishermen, but because the coast sits far enough away from the mountains to have the most amount of sunlight available... which is very important.

Because things lurk in the darkness. Vampires. No one knows where they came from, but they are everywhere. The religious thank their gods that the sun is not gone altogether, because then... well, that doesn't bear thinking about. The priests and monks of the sun god, Ao, pray for His return, and in the meantime they fight the vampiric menace when and how they can. Their fighting monks patrol the cities and the desolate roads and farms between. In the cities, no one with any sense goes into the alleys and streets on the darkward side of buildings without being heavily armed and bearing fire and light.

So yeah. Should be fun.