Howdy! My name is luke seymour, AKA Tharzidun the mad spiral god online.
I'm making a sellable homebrew campaign set in the lowest plane of the cosmic wheel of dungeons and dragons, Hades.
I'm looking for a none-realistic, more landmark focused over-view of the plane of hades as well as a few random combat map & dungeon map illustrations (when relevant. Random encounter maps might just be cross-hatched black and white maps.)

The plane of hades I want to be represented in a grim, grey miserably "gray waste" as a floating place drifting between negative dark clouds but with it's features showing more prominently. It is not a scale-accurate place and I rather features have more impact on the viewer with cool art.
Here are some images to hopefully describe the look of the landmass i'm going for.


I commission alot of art but never cartographers' so this will be new to me! Deadline would be aiming for the 11th of march.
I intend to be giving all proceeds to the artists i'm working with
I can and am willing to discuss a combination of up front payment and proceeds going to you and open to discuss just up front payments for the right artist.

I hate forums with an absolute passion so please feel free to contact me by my email or discord.
Discord: Zidane Alpha#9374