It's about time to start this therad. Everyone are already way ahead i feel nervous.

So here is what Diamond gave me:

Quote Originally Posted by Diamond
A map of a major trade route - this could be something like the Silk Road, or a sea route, or even an Underdark or subterranean trade route.

The route, whatever is, must be at least 500 miles in total length, and there must be some scale or way to determine distance on the map. This could be just a regular scale indicator, or something like a note on each leg of the route showing distance between points.

The route must include at least five cities, or ports, or caravanserai, etc.

Common trade goods on the route must be indicated in some way.

Some hazards faced along the way should be indicated. I leave the number up to you, but at least 3.
First thing that brought my attention was 500 miles road. That is gonna be a small scale map, so i have decided to make very tiny mountains as i did on my Poland map. I hope this way the map will really scream the distances are large.

I have marked first plan of the trade route in black. Red lines as alternative, shortcut passages that will lead to destination faster, but are dangerous.

The trade route is calles Diamond Route, because people from the south (names will come later) are mining DIAMONDS, that's right, they are that awesome. It became the most valuable good on the road and all the northen countries want a pice of shiny gem. So yeah.... no connection to our guild Diamond, not at all, really, i swear...

That is it for now.
There is very high possibility i won't make it in time. I have other projects that i need to prioritize and also feel a little burn out at the moment.

trade route_001.jpg