Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Oddly, this work was done sitting around listening to Neil Gaiman talking about writing.
I just spent a really long time on it. And it did go faster than I expected.
I thought it would take several days.
Oh, Gaiman! I haven't read anything from him for a long time. Last book i had, American Gods was quite good.

Quote Originally Posted by Diamond
It's so funny to me when the people that automatically think they're out after seeing a good map are as good as that person themselves. coughKellcoughcoughVoolf
Well thank you. It's the urge and zeal to pursue for more and better things. Everyone's ability is different. I may be perceived as one of the best, but from my perspective i see better from others. I bet J.E. also has that feeling sometimes.

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward
People have this idea that I always win, and I don't.
And there are a lot of other awesome mappers in this thing.
They will have the advantage of seeing what is done early, and knowing what they are up against.
If that's what the angle is.
You know i was joking, right? Kell most likely too
Btw. Not always, but often and it is deserved. You are that good.
I knew what people will take part in this challange and i know my chances are not so great competing with so many great artists here. Anyway, i am taking this challange because it's fun. If i can make it in time, that's a win for me

Quote Originally Posted by Onirian
Did you sleep sometimes ?
He doesn't. He is a robot