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Thread: February 2019 Challenge: The Sundown Cities

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  1. #11
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Well, here's a first stab at forests. Forests are my nemesis, they really are. But I think I nailed the scale here in comparison to the mountains. Tried to stay true to Voolf's color palette.


    At the time of Sundown, the Kingdom of Ruan was one of the most prosperous of the old coastal kingdoms. Its farmlands were bountiful and its prized stallions were the envy of the East. But like every other land, it all fell apart at Sundown. The farmlands slowly died, as did the cattle and horses. Wolves from the Astur Ranges stalked and killed whole villages. Great swathes of the countryside were dead and abandoned. But the real end came for Ruan 14 years after Sundown. At that time, the vampiric infestation was in full bloom, and a vampire warlord named Jesep Vaul led a horde across the once-fertile plain and laid siege to the capital city, Ruandah. The siege was eventually broken some eight months later, when reinforcements from the north arrived. The combined armies drove Jesep Vaul and his forces from the city and back west across the plains. The entire heartland of Ruan became a huge graveyard; thousands of corpses, human and undead alike, were scattered everywhere.

    After Vaul was eventually killed and the vampires retreated back into the mountains, the heartland of Ruan was a wasteland. The earth and water were poisoned from the toxic fluids leaked into the soil by the vampire corpses. The first winter after the war was horrific - thousands died of starvation, and eventually the northern armies returned home, leaving Ruandah and the coastal towns on their own. Only the Church of Ao remained to help rebuild what they could, and to this day the city of Ruandah is one of the most devout followers of the sun god. The fallen of the war were buried in a series of great barrows in the middle of the plain, and the vampires were burned in massive pyres.

    Now, nothing lives on the Barrow Plain except isolated monk outposts, scavenging creatures, and some say, the restless ghosts of the dead...

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