Hello !

My turn to jump in !

I asked Kacey to partner up and I'm very glad she accepted ! Here the brief I received :

Hey Joel, I absolutely do not have time this month, but.... I'm so in love with you're Smugglers lair in the style of Guillaume Tavernier that I just can't resist...

I would love to see a multi tiered isometric dungeon map in that same style. For the top level (Outdoors grassy area) there needs to be an ancient ruins, not medieval, think more lost ancient advanced civilization, so old stones worn by time, some type of lost monument, but there has to be glowing ancient symbols incorporated in some way ( and they really need to look like there glowing and carved into the stone...If that makes sense?
The idea is they need to be decoded to open the entrance.

For the entrance...Do as you wish, I'll leave it pretty open for the rest, use you're own discretion as long as it has glowing symbols, weathered stones, at least 3 levels under ground with one or more large under water areas, at least one of these under water areas needs to contain a tunnel that you have to swim to find and leads to a secret chamber with some type of old monument or technological device left behind by an advanced civilization (The last chamber must also contain glowing symbols) that need to be decoded to complete the dungeon... They don't really need to mean anything, I'm not expecting you to create a new language they just need to look cool and most importantly they need to appear as though they are glowing.

The thing I love the most about the Smugglers lair is that it glows, the halls glow and the water glows, so I'd like to see that quality in this map because it's what draws me to it.

Remember lost advanced civilization not medieval... I hope that's not too much, if you're still interested let me know.

I admit, I'm glad Kacey asked something not too far out of my comfort zone... but still a little bit : I'm not used to draw map or illustration out of medieval style (or pre-industrial). So I made some research about lost advanced civilization, I think I can pull out something between Stargate and Indiana Jones ?

It is a subterranean and abandoned outpost of a distant civilization very technologically advanced. All the underground part is abandoned: walls have collapsed, water has invaded the lower parts. But the secret chamber that holds the source of energy used to power the structure is still there, inviolate. The energy source weakens, but is enough to produce light for the outpost. Outside, the following less technologically advanced civilizations have recovered existing structures and interpreted them as signs of deities. They erected some kind of temples around the gate, with some statues and especially by reusing the main sign of the guard post (A kind of inverted K, joined to a semicircle ... I know, not very subtle ..) During centuries, no one has found the right combination of signs to enter the outpost, but it is sais that some persone misteriously disappeard around these temples and were never seen again... but it's only fairytales and legends... Now, these civilizations have also disappeared. Everything is abandoned now.

Technically, I'll fellow the Tavernier style... I still wonder about the glowing part, but I think it shouldn't be technically very far from lights coming out of torches ? That, I'm familiar with...

For now I decided I'll spend a lot of time inking details (partly because I can draw that on the Ipad, which means I can draw anytime and anywhere). So for now I'have just the main structure (which need a lot more of details). I hope it fits the brief ?

Any critics and comments are welcome !

### Latest WIP ###
Outpost KC Nr 09020317.jpg