Hi guilders !
This post just to say I'm in.

What Ilanthar sent me :

Lore :
In a strange world, both disturbing and magical, two peoples have recently met and are in direct confrontation, each having a very different vision of how they develop their territory.
On one hand, the Antiens, insectoid-shape being with six legs of varying sizes and appearance, devolved to their function in society. They have a technicist vision of the world, using tools to cut, build, burn, heat, etc ... Coming from the tree worlds, they recently went to the ground to establish new colonies.
On the other hand, Mycelians, fungi-men beings, have a symbiotic organic development with the "Grand Mycelium" that invades and covers everything to transform and adapt while integrating. It provides food, habitat and nursery to the mycelians and eventually pierce the surface, surrounding the first roots of the forest.
Thus Antiens and Mycelians met.

Commission :
You have to represent both sides and their meeting place, not necessarily in conflict. A map of the soil with the respective colonies and side cut of the living environments.

What I aim to do :
An isométric cut of a collaborative joined colony of this two faerics beings. I want to represent how much benefits this two antagonists views can achieve in this magical world.
-The Antians can hunt and breed animals and vegetables to feed the Great Mycelium which in turn can suck the mineral substance from the soil to synthesize crystals of raw material for the Antien's tools.
-The Mycelians, with the protection of the Antiens can meditate and control the Great Mycelium to limit its growth to the part of the forest and the soil that need to be transformed for the benefits of the two species.
-In short, it is a virtuous collaboration that is cyclically inserted in the environment while transforming it but with respect for each living species.

I'll come back soon with some preliminary draft.

PS :
self confidence for this task : 5 %
chance in achiving this task in the challenge time : 5%...