Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
The blue and gold really does work and I like how it carries through to the blog which is beautiful btw...Though I have to say I was a bit disappointed when I clicked on a door and it didn’t take me to another world.
Thanks Kacey
Hehe, I would so love to do that with the site, but I am beyond a noob with html and code not code my way out of an open box.
That would be loads of fun though. Especially if there was some sort of transition animation to go with it.
Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
I... want to live there...

TAKE MY REP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too, let's go. I'm ready for a Bombus filled vacation.
Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Another beauty John! Really like the contrasting eaves(?) in yellow. It's a nice detail that adds a lot to the building and overall map. The detailed landscape around, the pond, the jetty... is lovely once again!
Thanks Abu
Yeah, it was intended to be like gold accents on the roofing and such.
I have another city map that shows those sorts of details in perspective, but it's a long way from done.
Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Great as usual! I really enjoy the tone of the water.
Thanks Kell I keep messing with different tones for water.
Each one has a different feel and appeal to it.
Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
Love it! Is it markers?
Thanks MMM
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Your series of "little" maps is simply beautiful... To each his own story, your whole world is taking shape! I see the possibility of publishing a magnificent book of stories and illustrations! I know I'd buy it!
Thanks Joel
That is the plan, though I don't know how long it will take.
I did just have a break through this weekend and wrote a long section of a different story.
That was a big thing for me as I never manage to sit and write that long.
So that's good news.