So, once again i have the great pleasure to partner up with Meshon in this challenge. Our last "Commission a Guilder Challenge" entries were the birthplace of Archie and Salazar, the notorious space pirate duo, known throughout the galaxy for their charm, their cunning and their expertise in getting into trouble.
Their story is about to continue...

The Commission i got from Meshon:

The Sky Pirates of Tramonta
Salazar has gotten himself shipwrecked (again!) and is trying to find a way home. He has wound up in the archipelago of Tramonta, a collection of islands that float above the surface of a world (any steampunk or pulp world will do!), home to a loose confederation of sky pirates who raid the world below with their whimsical flying machines. The map would be a record of Salazar's journey through the land, from his crash site, encounters with the pirates (hostile, friendly, or both!) and eventual escape OR maybe he sends a signal and convinces Archie to come steal a treasure from the pirates and split the spoils.

The main islands are:

Port Adamant, the main shipyard where new flying machines are constructed.

The Cogs, a mechanical island, actually a very large and old flying machine built by unknown hands long ago.

Bastion, an overgrown tower or fortress where the Pirate Queen lives and keeps the treasure.

- Any other islands could be added at your discretion

- Some kind of indication of where Salazar travels

- The map must have a border

I was brooding and sketching the last days, trying to come up with something i wouldn't fling into the trash right away. Initially i wanted to draw with pens, being my tools of choice for mapping the last year or so. But with the scope of this map and the expected amount of detailed linework to draw, especially of things i'm rather unexperienced with (buildings, whimsical flying machines, pretty much anything except mountains and sometimes forests... ) i thought it might be a good idea to have this wonderful function of digital mapping at hand...ctrl+z!

The change to digital seemed to work. I came up rather quickly with a sketch of one of the islands and i think it's rather usable as a start for this adventure...

### Latest WIP ###