You have not chosen the easy path to map making but there are others who have tried similar processes. There really is no set tutorial that’s going to walk you through that whole process but I’ve found that some of the best resources and tips can be found in the WIP threads of other members...Read absolutely everything that Pixie has ever written and pay attention to others who post to his threads, allot of people who are interested in Pixies work also have interesting WIP threads which you can learn allot from.

Also read everything Charerg has ever written, and his tutorial on G.Plates which is really helpful. There really isn’t allot of tutorials out there for G.Plates but he does a good job of walking you through it and is always helpful if you have questions. He also has one of the most beautifully detailed fantasy height maps I’ve ever seen so make sure to check out his World of Aduhr if you haven’t already, it’s absolutely stunning in it’s complexity and there is allot to be learned from his WIP thread as well.

There are also a few more tutorials on using G.Plates for con worlds but I’ll have to search for them, when I manage to dig up the links I’ll be sure to post them here.

Good luck to you...