Hi, I'm pretty new to cartographer's guild and am excited to see everything here! What drew me here was that I'm looking to get a city for my D&D campaign drawn!
This is the initial sketch I created (along with some labels):

The style that I'd like for my city map is one similar to Venatus Maps! I enjoy the color and shading they use.
Heres one of their example towns:

Roughly 3000x3000 pixels or 3000x2500 is roughly what I'm looking for size. This will be used in an online game.

I would like to have copyright of the map, but I have no problem with the artist using the map in their portfolio.

I'd like to keep the cost under $100, but I can wiggle to $150 if deemed worthy.
Payment will be made through Paypal

Best way to get in contact with me: