Dear Colleagues,

this project is a modern map of a modern atlas and it´s focussing on the antique Porgunesian Maritime Confederartion at the large Inner Sea and it shows the Confederation at it´s peak before Ithillic, Dschabari, Chasseram Invasions and the Big Outlandish Raid of Morderan, the Corruptor.

You can see the "Empire" covering almost all the Coastlines of the Large Inner Sea, offering optimal internal trading routes and Starting point to expand the Confederarion´s own power range in the past.

The Maritime Confederation is made up of three formerly hostile city-states, which grew larger in the course of two centuries and fought bitterly in the seven Porgunesian Wars until Porgunes prevailed and founded the League with the other two states. Under Porgunesian hegemony,
the League of Nations emerged and the three states converged so vastly along the coasts that virtually an empire was founded that had a tremendous strength both militarily and economically for the time.

The Map ist showing the most important sea-trading routes between the main harbours, the three states and their expansion, the economical backgrounds (not yet realised) and the locations of the Army Legions and the mobile Legions.. The red circles show,
starting from the large military ports, one- or two-day ranges of the military naval force.

Inner Sea.jpg