!!!This is for an adults-only furry game with uncensored sex; While you are do not have to see or experience the actual sex for the map work, the reference material do contain anthropomorphic characters and nudity!!!

The game is viewed from third person and features stylized but very high fidelity realistic style, but the game map would be more a "cloth map" style and this is where player would also travel around in (when not visiting any of the islands).

What kind of a world is it?
It's an archipelago called as Skiir, named after a god-dragon (bigger than mountains) but ruled by a smaller dragon called as the Illustrious King. It is a monarchy of sorts with princes and princesses, royal families, and inheritance of titles, though falls more towards a "navalcracy" with the ruling arm of the Illustrious King being a massive war fleet, the Dragonfire Fleet.

It's not per se a bad place to live in, but the inhabitants have very little say in ruling and laws. And the seas are pretty much ruled by two group of pirates; The Dragonfire Fleet (royal fleet) and The Scraven Pirate (not the royal fleet), so you basically just pick between two poisons if you want to go out into the sea

The world is approximately technologically around golden age of sailing ships with some cowboy styles mixed in with the naval themes.

What is needed?
A full map of an archipelago with 3 major islands (with dozen or so points of interest each), 6-9 minor islands (with a few points of interest each), and filler islands (no points of interest) to give more meat to the areas.

Design of world economy (optimally included in the main map as markings or notes); Trade routes, trade goods, and production.

Design of faction map (could be included in the main map); Areas controlled by the major factions, and potential minor factions hoping to gain foothold.

In delivery of the finished map; The points of interests would be on a separate layer and underneath would be a clean map with only the landscape and similar features. We would then map the points of interests into polygons and enable those as player explores the map.

A compass that would way or another embody a dragon theme.

City/town maps are not required, but the locations on maps should highlight some important features of the city/town.

We're looking for fairly detailed handdrawn map with natural colors; We're not looking for a realistic or modern looking map. I'm not sure what the right world for it, but the features would be partially from the side, with perhaps a little bit of perspective to them (I guess this is how most RPG maps are?).

Physical size of the map?
I'm not sure exactly here, but major islands would be 2-4 "screens" per direction, the minor islands maybe 1-2 "screens", and the filler islands 0.5-1 "screens", and then quite a bit of water in between. Optimally the islands would be separate from the sea and have transparency fade into the background sea, so that we can scale the distances between islands to fit the gameplay itself. The screens definition is basically how it would be displayed on screen with no zoom, so it would be at minimum sharp pixel by pixel in a 1080 pixel vertical monitor resolution.

Time constraints?
Not a rush, but optimally complete within two months, with first drafts out in couple of weeks.

We need all rights to reuse and/or adjust as we see fit in all games related to Hunt and Snare IP. The map and design would still be credited to you and you could use it as a portfolio piece, but without rights to use it commercially.

Note: We do not know what kind of pricing custom maps generally have and thus do not know how much we should budget to it. Preferably it would be somewhere around 1000 usd, paid in two steps (e.g. 1/4 for draft, and rest before getting the full resolution finished map). If you believe the map is too expensive to make for our budget, then make a suggestion and we'll see if we can scrounge it up

Please send your portfolio (preferably with selected pieces of maps directly linked that would best describe a style fitting for our game!) and estimation of your price to rufflenecks{[.athere})}gmail.com