Quote Originally Posted by aeshnidae View Post
Anyway, this thread is more of an FYI because you can sue for infringement that occurs prior to registering copyright, so no need to rush out and register everything.
Oh ... agreed. The information is very worthwhile.

True, but there are a variety of pro bono "lawyers for the arts" groups. I've filed three suits on behalf of artists. It's never gotten past the filing stage, at which point the company realizes the artist means business about protecting their IP and they settle. The mere act of filing the suit can be a very effective negotiation tool.
That's a very good thing, but there are a whole lot of map makers in this RPG world and very few pro bono lawyer groups. It reminds me of the ending of Bertolt Brecht's* Dreigroschenoper, where the king's riding messenger comes to save Mackie Messer by giving him a reprieve from his imminent hanging.

Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum then remarks, Die reitenden Boten des Königs kommen sehr selten.

Which means in English: The king's riding messengers come very seldom.

*It's a Brecht anniversary year, so I had to slip him in here somewhere.