Hello Guild,

Jericho started out as a multi-continent conworld of the same name that Charerg was helping me out with about a month or two ago. I started to flesh out the details of the middle continent, but kind of lost interest in this project (more on that later), preferring to go back to the drawing board to improve the realism of my tectonics. However, I didn’t want the last few weeks of labour to go to waste; moreover, I wanted to practice other cartography skills, so I’ve decided to enter this project as a finished map.

I realize that, artistically speaking, the piece lacks balance because it’s densely developed in the northern section but sparsely in the south. My excuse for that relies on local dynamics: a planet with a very small tilt which makes the equatorial regions very hot and humid (with no seasonal variation), therefore this region is unsuitable (or undesirable) for settlement. It may, however, hold precious resources!

I also down-scaled this particular continent by a factor of 67% for the very simple reason that I didn’t want to deal with deserts, which would preclude rivers in the northwest quadrant of the map. (By the way, if any aspect of my worldbuilding doesn’t make sense, please let me know.)

Overall, I really don’t like the shape of this continent, as it reminds me of a witch’s hat, and it’s not even close to Halloween yet. It kind of resulted when I randomly fragmented the original supercontinent, my last entry in the Regional map section. For those who are interested, however, I’ve included the animation of this continental breakup here.


And here is the finished map:


Please let me know what you think.

Thank you and cheers,
