Wilbur uses altitude (height) values. Forcing color values as altitudes probably isn't useful in Wilbur because the RGB color space isn't a monotonically-increasing value for most common colors that users encounter.

Having said that, you can use a grayscale value easily enough as an altitude. For example, using Filter>>Fill>>Set Value with a value of 73 (29 hex) will get you a constant middle-gray color. Use the Texture>>Grayscale Bump Shader feature to see the altitude as relative min/max grayscale values (that is, the lowest altitude is black and the highest value is white). As you raise and lower land, the altitude will dynamically adjust to keep the total surface altitude range adjusted to the 0-255 grayscale value used by most 8-bit height maps.

It's possible to use Wilbur to get a fixed color scale to altitudes, but it requires using the Wilbur shader and adjusting the altitude min/max, sea level, sea abs min, lightness min/max values and checking the Absolute Coloring checkbox. I should probably make a simper shader for that one of these years.