Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
The map itself is spectacular as always, but the corner illustrations knock the piece out of the park. That castle, holy motherf****** heavens! If you'll excuse me, I'm going to stuff my own maps into a shredder, they do not deserve to occupy the same universe as yours...

No, but seriously, this is top-notch, B. I expect no less from you, and yet you still always manage to impress me! The rhumb lines are maybe a little too strong for my taste, but that is kind of a minor nitpick. Always a pleasure to gawk at your work!
Thanks to another commission I had, I'm not afraid anymore with perspective drawing : this castle is probably the first I really enjoyed to draw. Easy and fun. And the other ornaments were a good occasion to practice pure digital painting, visit museums and explore my own house for reference pics. I literally... put my hand on this map
I agree with you regarding the rhumb lines though, but it's partly an effect of the resizing : they're not as strong on the high res version.

Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
Thats awesome! A beautiful nap and imaginative border - oh, and I'd spotted it on your insta! Didn't disappoint.
And now I want to draw a border.
Thanks MMM ! This border was both hell and heaven, but at the end I'm happy with it. Hope the next one I'll draw in that vein will be easier though !

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
I just commented on DA, but I'll say it again...
This is a gorgeous piece of work.
My favorite location is Vesper, cared for by the Beee. ;P
Every part, every element is so well crafted.
I'm so glad you love it, J. !
Hehe, you're right : this is definitely my corner of the map ^_^

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Brilliant and beautiful map, Beee !
The map is a jewel, and the frame and illustrations are the jewelry box .
Aww, don't make me blush !

Quote Originally Posted by LizardInk View Post
Ahhhh so happy to finally see the finished piece! It's GORGEOUS of course. The corner illustrations are simply decadent to behold, and I love the treatment of the locations--like the map's being peeled away for a close up. And the banners!! You are not of this world, Beee. Excuse me whilst I retrieve my jaw from the floor.
Aww, thanks Liz' ! The town illustrations were an happy accident (hey Bob !). They were supposed to be smaller but I wasn't happy at all and redrew them bigger : the previous version hadn't this feeling of two maps superposed. It's definitely something I'll explore in future work ^^

Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
Simply wonderful. It brought back some memories for me as well. Wow, it's been a while since I visited that world.
Thanks Jax ! I'm always happy when I have good feedbacks from those who know the universe

Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
Yeah, this map is fabulous.
Thanks so much, Larb ! ^^

Quote Originally Posted by Galendae View Post
I know that world! I was there in the mid 90's. Dawning of a genre. There will never be another game and moment in time like UO. Great job Misty! Did you ever play that game?
Thanks Galendae !
Sadly no, I never played it : video games were not allowed at home when I was a young bee ^^. But I watched what I could find as playthrough, read the game book, read the fandom wiki and got a lot of information from my client as well.
But someone spotted an error coming from Ultima V... uh...

Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
Simply astonishing, the level of careful detail blows me away, Beee. I seem to lack the linguistics to be able to properly describe how I feel about this piece, just stunning!
Thanks a lot, Adfor ! I must say I had the best, best client ever : no deadline, and 100% free to decide for the concept, aesthetic, details... who could ask more ?