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Thread: The Angorian Empire

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  1. #3


    Hey, thanks a lot. Glad you like it and happy to be here. Yeah getting the right style/lineweight for the mountains/forests etc. was tough at times as it was a balance between making it detailed enough and trying not to make it look too detailed to the point of it all just blending in together and becoming too messy.

    The mountains around Kordesh, or the Iron Hills, seem very different from the ones in Nazar, for instance. On a map this large, I can understand that the way you draw them has probably evolved a bit as you went along, but it does look a bit conflicting in the final product none the less.
    Yeah, bang on, haha. It changed a fair bit as I went as I was working on it on and off over quite a bit of time and I was thinking of going back and making them all the same then later on but I thought it'd be interesting just to see how each looks first, experiment a little and then by the time I was nearly finished and had settled on a style I just wanted to get it done and move on rather than keep going back and changing things; call it a day and do it better next time. Might go back at some stage down the line and homogenise the style but for now I'm just moving onto other things.

    Thanks again for the kind words, feedback and the enthusiastic welcome.
    All the best!
    Last edited by Clarketography; 06-30-2019 at 06:06 PM.

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