Two sisters have very different dominions over the planet Carmen. One is the seemingly immortal goddess of a well-established religion worshiping Fate. The other is a young capitalist with a rapidly expanding burger empire. (Likely in part due to being blessed by Fate.) This map shows all of the major religious sites and their date of establishment, as well as all of the cities containing burger places and their date of establishment. Finally, it includes a handful of other major political locations/cities/points of interest. Obviously the creator of this map is biased in favor of Iydra being Carmenjia/Lady Fate, making this a very specific kind of window into the state of the world.

### Latest WIP ###

Personally, I'm probably done with this as it is. It is exactly what I set out to make. I don't think I want to litter this map with any mountains/trees/etc, it's more a sort of graphic design, a style of map I didn't have in my portfolio and felt like making when the prompt reminded me of the storyline of iydra and Cadani Shovak.