Howdy mapmakers! I'm new to these boards, but have always loved history, architecture, maps, and illustration. I'm trying to remember the first fantasy maps I obsessed over: Tolkien or the Disney Magic Kingdom map.

As an illustration undergrad, I was adamant about hand-creating my projects where my peers were Photoshopping. It meant longer hours for me, but I feel like I gained a solid background in art and design. As soon as I graduated, I threw all that out the window and embraced Photoshop hardcore. After a few years working in live-action film as an illustrator/graphic designer/set designer, I went on to study animation and visual effects in grad school. It's been a journey! I currently reside in Portland, and work as a freelance illustrator.

Some of my other interests include traveling, landscape painting, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and beefcake action heroes from the 1980s.

Here is an avatar of myself, as a fantasy cartographer (Franck Fernweh) and his fictional workspace. Please note I don't have that much chest hair!



Say hi! And if you're in the Portland area, let's meet up!