Well I work with 3D a lot, and yes, it can be done, but what you're asking for specifically is a height map, and a specific height map at that. Working in 3D is complex, but creating height maps is actually a lot harder to do. In a height map, the lowest elevation is black, the highest elevation is white, and all the elevations in between are vaious shades of gray. It's fairly easy to take an existing height map and use it in a 3D program, but creating a height map is actually quite difficult - I cannot do it easily. I would actually create a 3D object of the forest, and the mountains and the buildings as individual 3D objects and construct the scene out of multiple pieces of 3D objects, and render it as a final scene. I wouldn't go the route of creating a height map first. You can import 3D height maps of existing Earth terrain - those currently exist. Creating custom terrain requires specific software, which I don't have access to.

Below is a height map of a mountainous region...

