I have been a fan of the Dark Crystal universe since I first saw the movie back in the 80’s.
The conceptual artwork by Brian Froud inspired me more than a few times in the past for drawings and paintings.
I have been tinkering with the idea to create a Worldmap of Thra since I started drawing maps a few weeks ago and I have finally taken the big leap
I bought myself a nice new sheet of beige A2 hotpressed paper, cranked up the Dark Crystal OST and went on a new adventure.

First phase of sketching the layout. I tried to stay as close to existing maps as possible without giving up on my own style. ‘Luckily’...reference material is very rare and most of the layout and POI are found by reading lore and info.

Tinkering with mountain styles and inks. I’m trying to stay as close as possible to the concept art’s colours.

Inking the first elements (Mmmyes...I work outside in :-/ )


All in all it’s a fantastic project to work on and a nice learning curve