Good morning from germany, my name is Ayama.
I´m a new catographer for Fantasy Maps and on the work of a own world building project with a friend.
My job is too work our Maps out that includes World map, continental maps, land maps, maps of different locations, city maps, even maps of different houses, castles, taverns, etc.

I´m 20 and a really friendly person, i´m doing mostly maps as a hobby but maybe there comes someday the chance too get money from my hobby.

I think thats enough from me, if u want too learn more from me i´m open to answer some questions. I let some Pictures withhin that post too show some maps from me even that they are momentarily made just with inkarnate as prototypes for the story project.

Continent of Alsa.jpg
The Continent of Alsa
Shara Isle.jpg
Shara isle
The magic land of Omisla.jpg
The magic land of Omisla

a friendly good bye from me