Hello !

It's been a long time since I've posted a map.... There's a lot of work going on right now, and it's pretty frustrating!

Besides my job, I'm trying to move forward on two map projects at the same time, both of them long-term (a whole palace on Sktechup and a world map, both of which bring my computer to the limits of its capabilities... so it works slowly). But it's so frustrating not to finish a map that I started drawing another map, quite quickly, taking a detail from a map I posted here quite a while ago.
When I drew this first map, the junction between two continents really caught my attention, and I always thought that it was the perfect place to invent something a little special. So I imagined a kind of Panama channel, but on a city scale and with a medieval-fantastic technology. It is the city of Cluses (which means more or less "locks" in French). A lake in the centre of the city, fed by two rivers that come from artificial lakes (themselves fed by the surrounding mountains), provides the water needed to feed the locks that allow boats to pass from one coast to the other.
I also drew an illustration on the bottom right corner to make sure that we understand what the city looks like.

Almost the entire map has been drawn on an Ipad pro (except for shadows, labels, frame and rhumb lines). I wanted to try less marked tones, to leave more room for the texture of the paper (I always try to more or less copy Ilanthar's style, as far as color management is concerned... but it's really not easy). I had been working on my way of drawing mountains, and this map shows you a little bit of the results of these studies. I'm still trying to set my style with regard to forests....

I am well aware that I still have these scale problems: between the size of buildings, forests and mountains, there is not much that is balanced... I really need to work on this problem, but I must admit that this map was drawn more for fun (and to finish a map) than as a serious project.

It is a map that joins the others already drawn, who are part of Nossym's world (a world that serves as a basis for my wife to write a series of novels)

Feel free to comment or criticize, any map is an exercise for me
