New Map Template with sample art maps.png

My name is Sam. I am in the process of developing and hopefully self publishing a board game for the commercial market. I am interested in commissioning some work for the board of my game in the style of the image that I posted. I would need full license to sell and distribute this art. Is this something you would be interested in?

A little about the work I would need done, it would be 4 10x10 in maps at 300 ppi in cmyk. If the game succeeds on kick starter I would also plan on commissioning more maps for future expansions.
What each map needs:
-The bigger the map feels the better.
-A blown up city map in the bottom left corner, space for this is 2.75 in X 2.75 in.
-A mountain lair in the top right corner that is designed to blend between all 4 maps regardless of how they are arranged. (on 2 of the maps there will need to be a clear cave entrance. On the other 2 there needs to be a base camp in this area.)
-A 3/4 in Mountain range that fallows the top and right edges of the map with a road that runs through the Mountain range to the mountain lair.
-A blown up pass fortress in the top Mountain range that is 1.5 in X 1 in and is placed between the 3 in and 4 in horizontal markers and second one that mirrors it in the right side mountain range.
-A road leading from the bottom left corner city to each pass fortress.
-Name of the region, city, and pass fortress. The font I would preffer to have used is IM FELL english.

Each map represents a different region, Fjall mountains (snowy viking themed region), Takara coastline (Capital for this region would be a port city. I would preffer for the main city to be on an island with a bridge to the main land.), Ceinture Desert (more wasteland the better), and Sumu Jungle.

The main thing I am looking for in an artist right now is being able give me honest estimates of the time frame to complete the work, fulfill dead lines, and communicate regularly.

Hope to work with you soon,