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Thread: Fantasy Tectonics

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected Maezar's Avatar
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    Greenest, NJ

    Discuss Fantasy Tectonics


    One thing that's become obvious to me is that the ubiquitous "plasma fractal" mapping techniques for random worlds are good for random coastlines, but not so good for elevations. A good example of the typical problem can be seen in the default settings of one such generator, where mountainous areas appear as clumpy and inland:

    So, I reduce such worlds to their outlines, imagine tectonic boundaries, and then let mountains build themselves. It takes some thinking across imagined aeons to form old mountain chains, but it can be done.

    Does anyone else do anything like this?

    Given a world map of imaginary coastlines, how would you create tectonic plate boundaries so that imagined features like mountains, ocean basins, volcanic zones, etc, might make more sense?

    A map of the sort I'd like to be better at can be seen here:

    A map of the sort I'd like to fill in tectonic boundaries for can be created by almost any random planet mapper. Here's one:

    Any insight, discussion or examples would be most welcome.

    PS: Forgive me if this should have been in Regional/World Mapping, and move it if that's more appropriate. It felt a bit off topic, but I'm not sure.
    Last edited by Maezar; 09-19-2019 at 07:13 PM.

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