Hi guys,

Here is my WIP map of a gloomy town square inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's 'Shadow over Innsmouth', which I made in Photoshop.

In the centre of the gloomy square lie the crumbling ruins of an ancient church. Long-since left bare to the winds and rain, little remains here but a few patches of curious stonework and the tattered remnants of an altar. Just what deity was worshipped in this cyclopean chapel remains a perturbing mystery. Two of the nearby houses are adjoined by what appear to be animal pens, reeking of decay. A loathsome and glistening lichen clings to the bare stone floors of these pens, spreading beyond them towards the slimy gratings of sewerage drains like the mucous trail of some enormous mollusc.

Most of the textures come from my own travel photos, as well as purchased stock photos (Design Cuts is the best). The main paving brick texture actually comes from a (now public domain) comic from 1947. Also there's a tiiiiiny dragon on the carpet of the drinking hall, which is a public domain image from thegraphicsfairy.com. All the other structures and objects I made using Photoshop.

I think my next step is to create interiors for all the buildings. I also wanted to make a little annotation showing a side-on view of the map, as I think the heights of the various structures are a little unclear at this point. There will also be a second map showing the subterranean portion of the town square.

This is my first time posting in the forums, so please let me know what you think!


~ Dysnomia / A Moon of Eris
