
Here is a map I created from scratch directly in RPG Maker MV map editor using the default resources. It's been a while since I started experimenting with the software and I finally came to the realization that I can't make a complete game on my own so I decided to mess around with map creation. People usually make "pratical" maps that fit the needs of their games without caring too much about organic shapes, which is not my intention here. I wanted to created a generic earth-like world and tried to get it as best I could with the tool. The complete process to me about 4 hours and I made a timelapse of the creation process that you can watch here.


This second map is a previous project that I also build from scratch and I went all in on the details. Since I don't use these maps on projects of my own, I usually share them online for the community. They can import, use and modify in their own games. The whole process took me about 25 hours.