Good evening (french local time), I'm Yul, a french amator cartograph, and I wish to apologize for my english skills.

I'm playing to a geopolitic rpg game based on forum in french, a game where I've got to rule and create my one fictionnal nation. I studied geography at the university and I like a lot mapping and create my own little universe.

I'm poor, and in order to create my maps, I learnt to use gimp by myself. I'm now one of the most popular cartograph, using real reliefs (the Alps most of the time) in order to create maps for other players... More than that, I'm one of the geograph of the game, I had for exemple to create maps for global climats, or tectonic.

Here's a exemple of the kind of maps I create :

I'm trying now to create other kinds of map, like fantasy maps, or other... I discovered your forum through a tutorial on youtube made from one of your members, the Astro-Map Tutorial

I'm trying now to install wilbur, but i've got a lot of problem with the installation, and would need help. Wilbur seems to be very usefull, and I would be very happy to use it. It seems that your forum host a kind of support for this software, but I can't make a research, because I'm posting my very forst message on cartographersguild; probably not the last