I've looked at my old map (here) and decided I know what many of the issues which blocked it's completion are. I've decide to start redoing the maps in smaller regions that actually accomplish the goals that I had envisioned for the larger map. One of the major issues with the old map is the scale, I was trying to jam a bunch of very different ideas all into one small map. So I'm going to start with the core region, the Eglaephrenon.

This is the coast block out I'm going with. I kept the impact crater but made it more of a focal point for this map. There are going to be two important centers this map covers, headed by two cities, but I'll get more into that later I think (it also may sort of be covered on the old thread):

Here is where I got to with the old map for comparison:
Regional C_Overhaul 1.jpeg
(Theres no scale in it but the crater in the old one had a diameter of about 250kms according to a scale in of the WIP's)